This is a service we provide where we show you what your expected water costs will be based on the watering schedule we provide you with. The reports we email out are comprised of graphs showing expected monthly water costs and water usage. The reports are also tabulated to show your annual summary break downs.
It’s interesting to note why and how we started offering this service. We have been offering printed watering schedules to our clients for years and the watering schedules we provide are based on the same methods that a golf course would use where water is a major expense and the health of the landscape is central to their business. The reoccurring question we encountered was,
“how much do you think my water bill will be?”
The truth is we had no idea. We knew the watering schedule was excellent and efficient down to the last gallons of water, but we had no idea what the water cost will be.
Well we don’t like saying “I don’t know.” In addition, this was a question about the cost of water and were running an irrigation company. So, we looked for a solution and, in this day, and age where there is an app for everything there was nothing. Water cost will vary according to your service type, meter size, year-round sewer costs are based on a three-month winter averaging period and the more water consumed the higher the price per gallon. The solution was that we created our own in-house program with great fanfare.
The results have been that our clients can make informed decisions with regards to their landscape costs such as:
Should I reduce my turf footprint, and how much would I save?
Should I water during the winter and if I do what will that do to my sewer cost?
My bill is higher than it’s supposed to be, do I have a leak somewhere?
If we install this landscape design how much will it cost to maintain it?
Our precise scheduling combined with our cost analysis can show what you have been spending and what you should be spending. For our clients with commercial or large residential systems these annual savings can be substantial. In other cases where a reduced turf footprint is desired to lower water costs the return on investment for a landscape redesign can be as short as one year.
Regardless of how the metrics are utilized at the end of the day it’s just nice know what to expect. Currently we can provide water cost reports for the following SAWS accounts: general class, irrigation, residential water only, and residential water & sewer.

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